Quashing the 'doomsday' rumours, top National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientists have assured that the world won't end on December 21, 2012.
Hyperbole by our ministers and a few saffronised scientists not only defames Newton and Einstein, but also mocks ancient India's achievements in mathematics, medicine and natural science, says Utkarsh Mishra.
Religion is but one trait where intolerance manifests itself. We come across 'chosen' races, communities, political ideologies, economic systems, all lending themselves to discriminatory arrangements, which trample the rights of those considered beyond the pale of whatever is the favoured calling.
Led by a team of scientists of Indian-origin, NASA's Curiosity rover has found new evidence of water on Mars, indicating that the planet most like Earth in the solar system was suitable for microbial life.
What would happen if the home minister chose to go to the movies, and watched the current science-fiction hit, Christopher Nolan's Interstellar
Following is the full text of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the 73rd Independence Day.
Just when it looked as though CGI overkill has ruined the fun of spectacle, here comes a film that charms with its kaleidoscopic vision and meticulous combats, says Sukanya Verma, who can't wait for more!
There's never a bad time to visit Japan.
All you need to know about preparing for the Civil Services examination
With Tibet to the east and home to three stunning Himalayan ranges, Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh boasts of a colourful culture and beautiful people, says Geetanjali Krishna.
'After the trailer was out, people felt it did not look like ancient India, but how much you do know about Mohenjo Daro? We have found certain coins and objects like a dancing girl, a bearded man... it is difficult to create a world based that only. There are certain things that you have to imagine.' Mohenjo Daro actor Nitish Bhardwaj defends his film.
Pune architects Dhruvang Hingmire and Priyanka Gunjikar are building houses out of mud and stone, employing local artists and contributing to the village economy.
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies will perhaps be best enjoyed by those who have not yet read JRR Tolkien's prequel to the Lord of the Rings series, says Paloma Sharma.
'My aim is that the message from our ancient texts reach the younger generation of Indians.' 'The trouble is that our literature is in Sanskrit and scientists don't know the language. And the people who know Sanskrit they don't know science.'
Scientists believe the unique geological locations where they are situated makes them worthy of veneration.
Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com steps into the wonderful world that is the spectacular Kochi-Muziris Art Biennale.
Job creation was mentioned 13 times in the BJP's 2014 election manifesto, yoga only twice. Has yoga taken precedence over jobs for the Modi Sarkar, asks Syed Firdaus Ashraf.
Let us know the 10 things that would make it to your priority list if you had only three years of life left. The most interesting entries will win prizes from rediff Books, so hurry and mail in your ideas today!
American President Barack Obama along with representatives Heath Shuler and Vernon Ehlers hosted the the National Prayer breakfast in Washington. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was among the guests at the meeting.
While doctors trained in Western medicine rely on a host of tests to diagnose patients' ailments, Pankaj Naram depends only on one tool -- the pulse. The pulse, most commonly felt at the wrist or the neck, is the throbbing of arteries caused by the heart's contractions. There are 350 variations of it, says Naram, an Ayurvedic physician who spent more than five years (2,000 days, he says, more precisely) studying pulse-reading under his guru Baba Ramdas about 30 years ago.
One of the best stories coming out of Bihar is about a place where Chandragupta Maurya, Buddha, Ashoka, Sher Shah Suri and India's Mona Lisa meet.
Thought you were a Scorpion? According to the gradual shift of the earth's axis over the last 3,000 years and its position in relation to the 12 signs, you're now under Libra. And oh, yes, there are actually 13!
Altering traits does not endow us with the underlying genes, however, and over time, our gray roots show and our crow's feet come back.
'That has always been my ambition -- to take the reader behind the scenes, to the places he was not allowed to visit, but which I had the privilege of entering.' Haresh Pandya remembers Ted Corbett, sports journalist extraordinaire, who passed into the ages on August 9.
India's beloved President -- there has been no other who has influenced the nation as much -- never stepped back from inspiring people to be the very best that they could be.
Various people have admitted -- off the record -- that the BJP had the same 'Vadra File'. Why did the BJP not speak out, asks T V R Shenoy.
Retracing the journey that brought coffee from Araku Valley in Andhra Pradesh to an upscale caf in the aristocratic district of Le Marais in Paris.
Sudha Murty worries that India has still not learnt its lessons from history.
'India's gift to this planet during this century will be to restore to the world its true sense; to recharge humanity with the real meaning and spirit of life. Which is why this Diwali should symbolise for all Indians, the rekindling of this Light in their hearts.'
'Sakshi's medal will do to women's wrestling what Sushil's 2008 Olympic medal did to wrestling in general.' 'It will make more and more families put their daughters into wrestling.' 'More and more young girls will fall in love with the sport and demand that they be taken to akhadas.'
The Republican challenger David Williams in the 'Bible Belt' US state of Kentucky, has accused Democratic Governor Steve Beshear, who participated in a Hindu-style groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a $180 million manufacturing plant creating more than 250 jobs in this economically depressed state, as an idol-worshipper and anti-Christian.
'I would like to believe that out of this struggle (to effect climate change) will be born a generation that will be able to look upon the world with clearer eyes than those that preceded it; that they will be able to transcend the isolation in which humanity was entrapped in the time of its derangement; that they will rediscover their kinship with other beings, and that this vision, at once new and ancient, will find expression in a transformed and renewed art and literature.'
Have you heard of the Burning Man festival? Or the Monkey Buffet festival?
Here's the full text of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address to the United States Congress.
Indian nationalism is not based on language, or geography, or ethnicity, or religion, but is that of an idea of an ever-ever land -- emerging from an ancient civilisation, united by a shared history, sustained by pluralist democracy, says Shashi Tharoor in the 5th annual lecture on 'Who is an Indian? A nation of minorities' organised by the National Commission of Minorities